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My photo
Glanvillia, Saint John, Dominica
i am a mom/wife/textile designer gone haywire. I love to sing(music/arts AA degree), craft, exercise, and be goofy. Just living life outside the norm. And the norm thanks me for it. Oh yeah, and I like me some haikus. . . . . . . . . . What are we up to currently? Aaron recently started medical school at Ross University on the island of Dominica in the Caribbean, and the kids and I are along for the crazy ride :)

All Aboard! Pinterest is the new black.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ok, I know this is soooo over-blogged in blogiverse, but I decided that enough of my real live face-to-face friends haven't heard of Pinterest, so I needed to spill the proverbial beans.  Pinterest is bookmark meets facebook. sooooo...... "facemark"... or better yet, "bookbook."

Pinterest is a site that gives you a personal profile where you can store links to pages that you like and you can organize them in folders, or what they like to call "pinboards" or just "boards."  The best part is that all of these "bookmarks" you pin are represented by large pictures instead of just words which is extra wonderful for us "visual" females :) yay!  (and yay for quotation marks, cuuuuuuuzzzz I'm using them a lot in this "post.")

What i really like is that they have a "Pin It" button you can add to your browser toolbar so that if while you are surfing the internet you find something interesting, all you have to do is click the button and add it to one of your pinboards without leaving the site. 

You can "like" and comment on other people's pins and you can also "repin" something you find and like on someone else's boards.  You can follow individual boards or people and you have your own followers as well (which is twitterish...  so, maybe it's twitbookbooker).

Want to check it out? 
Here is MY pinterest profile... 
Have fun!


peachytiffers said...

You're welcome for passing on this addiction...but if Aaron asks, I'll deny it was me. :)