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Glanvillia, Saint John, Dominica
i am a mom/wife/textile designer gone haywire. I love to sing(music/arts AA degree), craft, exercise, and be goofy. Just living life outside the norm. And the norm thanks me for it. Oh yeah, and I like me some haikus. . . . . . . . . . What are we up to currently? Aaron recently started medical school at Ross University on the island of Dominica in the Caribbean, and the kids and I are along for the crazy ride :)

Christmas a bit delayed

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hey friends and family- I thought February would be a good time to post about our christmas... he he. sorry it's taken so long!

Well, I guess I should take this chronologically......
First, the christmas tree. The poor poor christmas tree....

First of all, I can't complain because we got this twig of a tree for free from someone on freecycle last year, but it's seen better days. When it came to decorating this thing, we couldn't find our christmas box with all of our ornaments (I think maybe it got thrown out on accident- either that or burried too deep in our storage closet to ever make it out). Anywho, we didn't want to go and buy new ornaments since we were a little short on the moolah, so i sat down with a pair of skizzers and cut all these bad boys out---
here are a few that I liked

now you might ask, what is a mallet doing on your tree??? well, if it's got one of these, it got hung by the kids no matter what. I laughed histerically for a few minutes after I found it hanging on here!

On Christmas eve I realized that we had no stockings to hang since they were in the same box as the ornaments, so I real quick (a little too quickly) sewed some stockings for us and the kids. Unfortunately I wasn't very careful when cutting them out with the rotary cutter and sliced a bit of my fingertip off (on the right). not too big a chunk, but it didn't feel too hot....

Christmas Morning- lots of fun presents and we had fun fishing with the santa fishermen stocking stuffers
The aftermath....Later we went to Grandma and Grandpa Shumway's house for presents and then family brunch-
Grandma Shumway made a Dorothy outfit for Megan's American Girl Doll- It matches her halloween costume- in fact it was made out of the left over fabric :o)
Matthew got a fur-real friend puppy dog that barks and wags it's tail. He thought it was for Megan and tried to give it to her when he opened it (she's got 2 other fur-real friend pets so he thought it was a girly toy). Megan ended up crying about it and Matthew was still confused by the whole thing. They've resolved the whole thing. Here they are with their pets:
Aaron's aunt Susie made some cute confections for the brunch. Here is my favorite- it's a christmas mouse which consists of a chocolate covered cherry stuck to a hershey kiss with peanut ears, heart sprinkle eyes and nonpareil nose all held together with chocolate "glue." It was so cute I HAD to take a picture with my NEW CAMERA!
Karen ended up getting the same camera that Aaron got me so we had lots of fun trying out the cool features on our new toys.... here are a few silly "art" pictures I took. Everyone was laughing at us as we posed different center pieaces or salt and pepper shakers to photograph. Now I'm wishing I had taken more group pictures of family. oh well.

I think that my favorite picture of the day was this one of Matthew posing in front of the rainbow as we were leaving.
All in all a good Christmas.....
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!


Peay Family said...

Hey, if it makes you feel better our Christmas tree was donated to us after no one purchased it from a garage sale (probably because it was so ugly). We've had it for five Christmases now and it just gets shabbier every year. I am hoping to upgrade sometime, but it definitely won't be this year :) I liked your pictures, you are just artsy and creative no matter what you are doing!!